Stardew Valley APK Download Latest v1.6.15.0 for Android Free 2025

  • Open your device’s settings and enable the option for “Unknown Sources”.
  • Download the latest version (v1.6.15.0) of Stardew Valley APK to your mobile device using the link provided above.
  • After the download is complete, navigate to the “Downloads” folder to locate the APK file.
  • Tap on the downloaded file and select the “Install” option to begin the installation process.
  • Wait a few seconds for the installation to complete.
  • Once installed, a pop-up will appear. Tap “Open” to launch the game.

Requirements to Download Stardew Valley APK

  • You need Android 5.0+ at least for the game to function properly.
  • Storage space of at least 500 MB or 1 GB is required.
  • 2 GB RAM or more
  • Stable internet connection for the game to download properly. However, once the game is downloaded, it can be played offline.
  • Decent battery life
How to Download Stardew Valley APK Free

With today’s hectic lifestyle, don’t you wish you could sip a cup of coffee and enjoy the lush fields and green pastures with some close friends? Do you envy our grandparents and great-grandparents, who used to farm and were close to nature?

How would you feel if we told you that you could enjoy the perks of farming without putting in physical effort? Stardew Valley APK is the answer to all your questions! It is more than just a game – it is a journey of friendship, farming and self-discovery.

Stardew Valley APK was introduced in 2016 and has been gaining popularity in the gaming world since then. Published by Chucklefish Limited and developed by ConcernedApe, it is a farming simulation game that can be played from the comfort of your home.

Best of all, Stardew Valley 1.6 mobile APK is the Android version of the game. You can now easily download it and enjoy it on your Android devices.

The game started with you – you are a former employee of a company known as “Joja Corporation”. You just find out that your beloved grandfather has passed away, leaving you a farm in Stardew Valley. You leave everything and embark on a journey to Stardew, with the mission of restoring and growing your grandfather’s farm into something big!

Stardew Valley APK Layout Standard

Initially, you have some basic tools and a small plot of land in Stardew Valley APK. The aim of the game is to become a successful farmer by bringing the land to its former glory.

This can be done by raising animals, planting some seasonal crops and even building relationships within the community. By growing the most profitable Stardew Valley crops, you can maximize profits. A higher profit margin in Stardew Valley will help you unlock unique features.

The game offers different seasons and separate day/night patterns to make it exciting for the players.

You can participate in many other activities like mining, fishing and even attending festivals. You can even get married in the game and just like in real life – getting married requires time, money and patience.

Stardew Valley APK download is an open-ended game that allows players to achieve their farming goals. You can earn income and perform different activities that include fishing, farming, combat, foraging, cooking, completing tasks, mining, crafting, restoring the community centre and even donating to the museum.

There are 2 genders, 45 characters, 74 hairstyles, 24 skin tones, 4 pants, 112 shirts, 21 accessories, 5 dogs and 5 cats that you can choose from. In character creation options such as appearance, name, gender, farm name, animal preference and favorite thing can be customized.

You can play around with the original Stardew Valley APK hairstyles by customizing them.

Out of the 45 characters, relationships can be made with only 12.

Marriageable Female Characters

Haley - Stardew Valley APK
Abigail - Stardew Valley APK
Leah - Stardew Valley APK
Penny - Stardew Valley APK
Maru - Stardew Valley APK
Emily - Stardew Valley APK

Marriageable Male Characters

Sam - Stardew Valley APK
Elliott - Stardew Valley APK
Harvey - Stardew Valley APK
Alex - Stardew Valley APK
Shane - Stardew Valley APK
Sebastian - Stardew Valley APK

Special Characters

Mr. Qi - Stardew Valley APK

Mr. Qi

He is a mysterious character that comes in the endgame content.

Leo - Stardew Valley APK


Available in the 1.5 update, he is found on Ginger Island

Professor Snail - Stardew Valley APK

Professor Snail

The archaeologist on Ginger Island in Stardew Valley

Other Characters of Stardew Valley APK:

  • Gus
  • Caroline
  • Demetrius
  • Clint
  • Dwarf
  • Jas
  • Evelyn
  • Jodi
  • George
  • Krobus
  • Kent
  • Linus
  • Lewis
  • Pierre
  • Pam
  • Marnie
  • Robin
  • Sandy
  • Wizard
  • Willy
  • Vincent

How to Change Hair and Get New Clothes in Stardew Valley APK 1.6

Stardew Valley free download is unique in how it offers customization of clothes and hair. You can’t just click on the option and change your hair/clothes but work towards doing so. There are a few ways in which you can get new clothes.

  • Use the sewing machine to make new clothes. The sewing machine is only available at Emily’s house. You need to become friends with her and then get access to the machine.
  • Also, you can get clothes by recycling newspapers, using wood or killing the mummies.
  • Additionally, you can buy the sewing machine to use at home from Robin.
  • Boots, shoes and hats can be brought from the shops
  • Hats, shoes and boats can be found in the Volcano Dungeon, Skull Cavern and Mines.
  • Events and festivals are a good place to buy clothes from.
  • On Ginger Island, there are golden coconuts at the blacksmith’s shop. Players can break them and get unique accessories and clothing.
  • You can complete quests to get clothing recipes.
  • To change your hairstyle, you either need 500g or you can unlock the Shrine of Illusions by completing the quest “Wizard’s Friendship”
  • You can customize your character in the basement and save the changes upon satisfaction.

There are 8 types of farms in Stardew Valley for PC/MAC a player can choose from. Each farm layout in the Stardew Valley is unique to a farm map that offers unique benefits, skills and perks to the player.

The following table shows a breakdown of the aesthetic Stardew Valley download APK farm layouts.

Standard Farm - Stardew Valley APK

Standard Farm

The Stardew standard farm design is the original farm that has maximum space to raise animals and grow crops.

Skills Required: Farming

Hill Top Farm - Stardew Valley APK

Hill Top Farm

The hilltop farm layout of Stardew Valley mobile APK features abundant cliffs with rich mining areas located in the southwest that are best for gathering resources.

Skills Required: Mining

Forest Farm - Stardew Valley APK

Forest Farm

This farm layout has limited farming space available because the forest covers much of the land. But there are stumps and seasonal forage items available.

Skills Required: Foraging

Riverland Farm - Stardew Valley APK

Riverland Farm

The map has abundant water, ideal for fishing in Stardew Valley, but offers limited space for raising animals and growing crops.

Skills Required: Fishing

Four Corners Farm - Stardew Valley APK

Four Corners Farm

This unique farm is divided into four areas: a forest with mixed seeds, a pond for fishing, a standard farm for crops, and a hilltop with ore and geode nodes.

Skills Required: Stardew Multiplayer

The Beach Farm - Stardew Valley APK

The Beach Farm

This farm offers plentiful space for fishing and foraging, best for resource gathering. But, it is for experienced players and may not be well-suited for new entrants.

Skills Required: Foraging & Fishing

Wilderness Farm - Stardew Valley APK

Wilderness Farm

This farm has the maximum amount of wilderness. There are monsters that come out at night and the additional ponds and cliffs decrease the farming area.

Skills Required: Combat

Meadowlands Farm - Stardew Valley APK

Meadowlands Farm

The Meadowlands farm Stardew layout is a new addition that has amazing blue grass that animals love to graze upon. Players get a coop and 2 chickens when the game starts.

Skills Required: Farming

You get a farmhouse in all the farms. The exterior of all the farmhouses is the same while the interior matches the layout of the farm chosen which includes wallpaper, flooring and furniture. You can even get a farmhouse upgrade in Stardew by completing different activities and tasks.

Every farm layout has an abandoned building. You can repair it and turn it into a Greenhouse. It can also be moved once you visit the Stardew Valley wizard buildings A.K.A. the Wizard’s Tower or the Carpenters shop.

First Harvest – Let the Game Begin

The game begins with a generous gift from the Mayor – Mayor Lewis. In all the farm layouts, you get 15 parsnip seeds. However, in the Stardew meadow farm, you get 15 stacks of hay.

  • You can use the pickaxe, scythe and axe on bushes, grass and logs to clear out 15 tiles at a time in your farm.
  • The hoe can be used to till and prepare the soil to plant the seeds that Mayor Lewis provided.

Find them on the floor inside your house on the first day.

  • The watering can is used to water the soil after planting the seeds
  • The crops should be watered daily to ensure they grow properly. Parsnips become harvestable in just 4 days.

Watering Can

The watering can is an essential tool in your arsenal. It can water just one tile at a time and needs to be filled up by going to a river or pond.

The kitchen sink can also be used to fill up the water can, but only after you get your first house upgrade.

Crops don’t die in the game. If they aren’t watered properly, they will just stop growing. The best time for tool upgrades in Stardew, especially for the watering can is right before the rain. You can also upgrade the watering can on the 27th of the season after you water all the crops.

It takes at least 2 days for the Blacksmith in Stardew to upgrade the tools.


Sprinklers give water to the adjacent tiles every morning. The sprinklers come in 3 forms.

  • The basic sprinkler Stardew waters 4 adjacent tiles.
  • The Quality sprinkler layout in the Stardew Valley waters 8 adjacent tiles.
  • The iridium sprinkler is the best. The iridium sprinkler range is up to watering 24 tiles at a time making it the most efficient sprinkler layout in Stardew Valley.

The Iridium sprinkler is available when you reach farming skill level 9 in Stardew Valley APK. The optimal ginger island iridium sprinkler layout is different from the other farms as the island has a rough terrain. The iridium sprinkler should be placed with a 4-tile gap in between both vertically and horizontally.

Sprinklers can be upgraded. To get the best result, you can place the sprinkler heads in a way that the spray reaches the adjacent sprinkler. This placement is known as the head-to-head coverage.

Sprinklers - Stardew Valley APK

Energy Level

Energy is needed to maintain your productivity levels in the game. The easiest way to gain energy is to eat food regularly. You can easily do that by right-clicking on the food that is available in your inventory. Most of the foraged items and crops are edible.

Beware, eating some food items in Stardew Valley APK makes you lose energy. However, how much energy a food item takes away/gives is mentioned on top of it.

Another excellent way to gain energy is to sleep on time. Sleeping late will not help in gaining 100% energy back.

  • Going to the spa will restore your energy fully and quickly.
  • If you are in multiplayer, lying in bed will also help you regain energy over time.

Copper Bars

Copper bars are required to upgrade tools in Stardew Valley for iOS. How many copper bars to upgrade tools in Stardew Valley depends on the type of tool you are upgrading and whether there are any discounts on the copper bars or not. Players can upgrade the trash can, watering can, axe, hoe and pickaxe. You require at least 5 copper bars or 2000g to upgrade the tools.

You can even buy copper bars in Stardew Valley by paying Clint 75g for each ore. Remember that Clint offers special discounts so the price can be lesser than this. If the player is a Blacksmith, they can sell the copper bars for 90g or 60g.


If you are wondering how to increase the farming level of Stardew Valley APK, look no further. You can easily skill or level up by completing actions related to skills/levels. Following are ways in which you can increase your skills:

  • Foraging XP is when you chop down trees or by foraging.
  • Farming XP is gained by taking care of the animals or harvesting a grown crop.
  • Mining XP is gained by breaking down ore and rocks.
  • Combat XP is increased by killing the monsters.
  • Fishing XP is increased by fishing or using the crab pots.

Friendship with Villagers

Friendship and community are an integral part of Stardew Valley APK. The format of the game is such that you get friendship points. When you get enough friendship points, it makes a heart. So, how many friendship points are in the heart of Stardew Valley? A heart corresponds to 250 friendship points.

Giving and taking gifts are an excellent way of increasing your rating. Talking with the villagers also gives you points but you can do that only once a day. There are 20 friendship points in talking in Stardew Valley.

Some people ask “Can you cheat on your spouse in Stardew Valley?”. No, you can’t. Giving gifts or talking to the opposite gender may spark jealousy in your spouse but that is about it. You can’t marry multiple people or get divorced. Moreover, neither Alex nor Sebastian cheats on you during the game.


Players can gain important information from the TV. Every player gets one TV when they begin a new game. Information like daily luck, weather forecasts, cooking recipes and other tips can be obtained from the TV.

Battery Packs

These are valuable for completing mystery bundles, crafting and powering up the machines. You can get battery packs by building lightning rods which are placed outside to collect lightning during a storm. In the Stardew Valley 1.6 mod APK you can also place solar panels to generate one battery pack in a week. Lastly, if you are friends with Pam, she might also gift you a battery pack occasionally.


  • Trout Derby
  • Luau
  • Dance of the Moonlight Jellies


  • SquidFest
  • Feast of the Winter Star
  • Festival of Ice Night Market


  • Spirit’s Eve
  • Stardew Valley Fair


  • Desert Festival
  • Flower Dance
  • Egg Festival

Festivals are another important component of the game. Players will get an invitation letter from Mayor Lewis before the festival describing where and when it will be held. A reminder pop-up will appear on the left side of the screen on the day of the festival.

Attending festivals is optional. However, coming to one, talking to the villagers will allow you to gain friendship points. Moreover, it also helps increase the friendship with the selected players you want.

All shops and buildings are closed on the day of the festival. Even if a player is not attending it, the shops will remain closed for him/her. Below is a brief overview of the important festivals.

Luau Festival

The Luau festival is held on the 11th of summer. It is held on the Beach and entry can be done between 9 a.m. till 2 p.m. It ends at 10 p.m.

The best luau Stardew feature is the potluck soup. All the villagers prepare this soup for their Governor who is the judge of how well it is made.

If you are thinking of what to add to the Luau soup Stardew Valley or what to bring to Luau, it is good to think beforehand.

The items you bring for the soup will determine the reaction of the Governor.

The Stardew Valley potluck best items that you can bring high-quality items for instance, kale, iridium or gold quality cauliflower etc. These are some of the Stardew Valley luau best items.

Luau Festival - Stardew Valley APK
Egg Festival - Stardew Valley APK

Egg Festival

The SDV egg festival is held on the 13th of Spring each year. The festival is held in Pelican Town with a possible entry between 9 a.m. till 2 p.m. The festival ends at 10 p.m. when the player returns to the Farm.

It is a very interesting festival in which colourful eggs are hidden everywhere in Pelican Town. The game officially starts when the player talks to the Mayor. Lewis.

How to win the egg festival Stardew is easy. You need to find 9 eggs in under 50 seconds. If the player does not win, Abigail will automatically win.

The Flower Dance

It is held on the 24th of Spring each year. You can attend by entering the Cindersap Forest between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.

The festival ends at 10 p.m. when the player returns to the Farm. The place where the dance takes place is not accessible otherwise but only during the dance.

Players are allowed to dance with bachelorettes and bachelors only if they have 4 hearts of friendship. Otherwise, they will be refused the dance.

Flower Dance - Stardew Valley APK
Egg Festival - Stardew Valley APK

Stardew Valley Fair

The Stardew Valley Fair is celebrated yearly on the 16th of Fall in Pelican Town.  

The fair is very interesting in which you can play multiple games with the villagers.

You can win the Stardew Valley fair by bringing some of the best things in your arsenal.

Displaying unique items in the Grange display will help you win the festival.

The original No MOD version of Stardew Valley APK provides numerous distinctive features that make the game captivating and immersive. Here are the main features:

1. Farming

The main occupation in Stardew Valley APK is farming. Both perennial and annual crops are grown in the game which include corn, coffee beans, wheat, sunflower etc. These are then harvested to get additional income.

The game works like real farming – it takes a season for crops to fully grow and be harvested. Livestock is another way in which you can earn money. It can be sold by itself or you can sell the by-products like milk, meat and eggs. Honey SDV can also be produced by constructing a bee house.

Players looking to get flavoured honey in Stardew as it gets more points. It is very simple all you need to do is to build a bee house near the specific flower to get its flavour, provided the flower is in full bloom.

Growing trees is also a major activity. To create a tree tapper layout, you need to maximize productivity and space by placing the tappers on top of the trees. The best thing about trees is that you don’t need to water them once they are planted – they grow on their own and they can grow in winter too.

The Mahogany tree in Stardew Valley APK is a very valuable resource. You can get hardwood from it that can help you upgrade buildings. The tree is grown from mahogany seeds. These trees are not found naturally in any location but need to be planted. Moreover, you can tap them to collect the sap from the tree.

Beware: Sap is edible but it will end up reducing 2 your energy level so it is better not to consume it.

What you can do with this sap is to use it to craft fertilizers for your crops.

Depending on the version of the game, you can even move fruit trees. You don’t need to water them. If you are playing Stardew Valley 1.6 Android APK downloads you can easily move them.

2. Most Profitable Crops

Depending on the season, the fertilizers you are using and your farming level, the most profitable crops are mentioned below:

BlueberriesIt has a profit margin of 668g. Produced every 4 days, these are multi-harvest crops.
StarfruitIt grows in the Desert. It has a profit margin of 800g per crop. Starfruit seed’s price is 400g and they can grow in 13 days only.
RhubarbGrows in the desert. It has a profit margin of 580g per harvest. Seeds are brought from the Oasis for 100g
Grows in 9 days
StrawberriesIt has a profit margin of 650g. Strawberries are brought for 100g from the egg festival.
CranberriesIt has a profit margin of 1064g per plant season
Multi-harvest crop

Remember, fruit trees do not grow during winter in Stardew Valley, except for those located in the Desert or on Ginger Island.

Some essential seeds to have:

  • Wheat: wheat seeds can be brought from Pierre’s general store, JojaMart, the Night Market, Seed Maker and from the travelling cart.
  • Melon: Melon seeds can be obtained from the above places too. They are also found in Skull Cavern and in some museum donations.
  • Red Cabbage: Red cabbage seeds from Stardew Valley are harder to get as you can’t find them in JojaMart and the general store. They can be obtained from Skull Cavern, the travelling cart, the seed maker and the night market.

Important: You don’t need the red Cabbage seeds to complete the community centre bundles for year 1. Nevertheless, they are used in later bundles and can also be used in cooking. 

3. Seasonal Variations

The seasonal variations have made Stardew Valley APK more life-like and interesting. Each season brings a different thing to the table. They have their own festivals and events. Each season length in the Stardew Valley is 28 days.

Most Profitable Crops

4. Upgrade and Crafting

Stardew Valley APK comes with a crafting feature that allows the players to create new tools and items that they can get from the materials available.

Tools can be upgraded in the Blacksmith’s shop. Clint is the blacksmith who has his shop east of the river, right across the bridge from the town square.

The Stardew blacksmith hours are from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. all days except Friday. Clint celebrates his birthday on the 26th of Winter.

5. Fishing

If a player wants to, they can go fishing in the water bodies. When it comes to skill points, the Stardew Valley fishing level 10 is the maximum a player can reach. After that, you don’t get any experience points for it.

In the fishing MOD Stardew Valley, you can get a better fishing experience by installing it. It makes fishing easier by automating many of the tasks like hooking fish and casting.

If you complete the night fishing bundle in Stardew Valley you get one glow ring as a reward. To complete the bundle, you need to donate the following fish:

  • Eel: Only found in the ocean when it is raining between 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. during fall or spring.
  • Bream: Only found in the river between 6 p.m. and 2 a.m. during all seasons
  • Walleye: Can be found in Cindersap Forest Pond, Mountain Lake and the Rivers when it is raining between 12 p.m. and 2 a.m.

6. Real Life Day and Night Cycle

The game offers real-life experiences wherever possible. Just like the season, the day and night duration is also realistic.

The Stardew Valley day length real time is 13.5 minutes and has proper waking and sleeping time.

The players wake around 6 a.m. at sunrise and need to complete all the tasks and be in bed by 2 a.m. at the latest.

Farming, socializing and fishing can be done during the day while some activities are possible only at nighttime.

7. Social Interactions and Events

You need to build a strong relationship in the community to progress. You can talk to the villagers, attend events and give gifts.

Heart events are an interesting way in which you can develop long-lasting friendships with villagers.

A good example is Shane’s Stardew Valley Hearts events. This is a series of interactions that you have with Shane in which he opens up about his backstory, personality and struggles. This can also lead to a romantic relationship with him if you want to.

8. JojaMart and Community Centre

At the beginning of the Stardew Valley free download, the player has to choose between supporting JojaMart to develop the town from a business perspective or restoring the community centre.

If you choose JojaMart, your gameplay will include focusing on making more money to gain the mart’s membership.

On the other hand, if the player chooses the community centre, the focus will be on revitalizing the town through interacting with the community and collecting items for bundles.

What are bundles in Stardew Valley APK?

These are various items that you need to collect together to donate to your community centre. These include:

Standard Bundles

These bundles have specific items mentioned that you need to collect and donate to unlock rewards and make progress.

Hidden Bundle

You reach Stardew Valley hidden bundle when all the other bundles are completed. For this, you need to donate all of your fish ponds.

Mystery Bundle

You will see question marks on the items in these bundles. The player has to work towards deciphering what items are in the bundle.

Remixed Bundles

This new optional feature in Stardew introduces uncertainty and challenge with items chosen from a pool of options.

Missing Bundle

Completing all other Community Center bundles unlocks the Missing Bundle, a special challenge that adds excitement to the game.

Important Choice

The decision of whether to choose the Community Centre or JojaMart will establish your overall experience of the game.

If you choose the Community Centre, you will have a fulfilling and rewarding experience with social interaction at its centre. On the contrary, choosing JojaMart will allow for a reward-centered feeling

9. Mining

Mining is a skill that helps you gain experience in Stardew Valley APK.

You can get gems, minerals and ores that help you upgrade tools, craft and even find museum material.

There are 120 levels in the Mines/Caves in Stardew Valley. You can get ores like copper, radium and gold during the mining process.

At Mining Level 5 in Stardew Valley, you have to choose between two important professions. You can either be a miner or a geologist. At Mining level 10 in Stardew Valley, you are again presented between two professions. You can either be a blacksmith or a prospector.

10. Birthdays

The game lets you celebrate the birthdays of the various characters. Some of the important birthdays are mentioned below:

Maru - Stardew Valley APK

Maru’s Birthday

10th of Summer

Sam - Stardew Valley APK

Sam’s Birthday

17th of Summer

Harvey - Stardew Valley APK

Harvey’s Birthday

14th of Winter

Alex - Stardew Valley APK

Alex’s Birthday

13th of Summer

By the way, If you are wondering where is Sam on his birthday Stardew Valley, he is at his home.

11. Museum

The valley has its own museum that is located in Pelican Town, south of the Blacksmiths’ shop.

Players donate various items to the museum which displays these items. The Curator is Gunther who provides information about all the items donated.

Generally, the museum layout of Stardew Valley old version includes a large, central area with a table displaying unique pieces.

Next, there is a library where there are books and information on the items. Lastly, there are sections for all the items that are donated.

What can you donate to the museum in Stardew Valley?

You can donate fish fossils, minerals and artefacts to the museum. These can be donated by entering the museum, talking to Gunther, going to “donate items”, selecting the item that you want to donate and placing the item on a shelf.

12. Multiplayer

To make Stardew Valley APK more enjoyable, it is provided in multiplayer across multiple platforms. The Stardew Valley APK multiplayer allows you to play the game with your friends.

It features cooperative gameplay, interaction in the gaming environment and shared and individual progress. In multiplayer, you can move buildings only if you are the host and there is no one in the building. You can move buildings by:

  • Going to the carpenter’s shop and talking to Robin
  • Select the option “Construct Farm Buildings” from the options
  • Click on “Move Buildings”
  • Select the building
  • Select a new location where you want to move the building

Moving buildings in both single-player and multi-player modes is free of cost.

The latest version of Stardew Valley has many new improvements and features to capture the interest of the players. Let’s see what the developers have come up with to make the game more enjoyable.

Stardew Valley APK Latest Version

1. Farming Options

The latest version has better graphics and an option to choose from 7 farm layouts. Each layout is different from the rest and gives you an opportunity to develop your farm according to your requirements.

2. Moveable Items

Previously, Stardew Valley APK original did not have the option of moving items. Now, you can customize and rearrange the items. This gives you an upper hand in designing the farm as per your preference.

3. Meadowlands Farm

The latest version has an addition of a new farm layout: The Meadowlands Farm. The new layout is perfect if you are an animal lover. The Chewy Blue Grass is a type of grass that animals love munching on. Next, you have two ponds and rivers that allow you to catch and use fish without visiting the market.

4. House Renovations

Undoubtedly, house renovations are one of the most premium features of the game. Now, players can expand their house depending on the number of family members. Not only this, there is an option to decorate the house with more than 280 varieties of furniture. The newest additions include:

  • Bait maker: Used to come up with bait for some special type of fish.
  • Dehydrator: Helps to dry out fruits and mushrooms.
  • Text Signs: Used to display customized messages.
  • Big Chest: Gives the player almost double the storage when compared to a regular chest

5. Multiplayer Option

Previously, four players were allowed to play the game in the multi-player version. But, with the new v1.6.15.0 update, 8 players can enjoy the game together. This allows a bunch of friends to play that too with better game stability.

6. New and Giant Crops

The new version makes farming more interesting and profitable. There is an addition of six more crops of which two are hidden. You can now grow powder melon, summer squash, broccoli and carrots. Two of the crops are secret and for the player to find.

Next, there are giant crops available too. So, what are giant crops? These are double-sized crops that can give you more yield.

7. Mystery Area Access

In the game, you can only level up your skills like fishing, farming and mining till level 10. After that, your skills don’t level up as the game progresses. The game has a mystery system that gives you the option of increasing your skill level beyond level 10.

8. New Hairstyles and Clothing Options

The new version of Stardew Valley APK has many hair and clothing options to choose from. There are different clothing options for all seasons now e.g. summer, winter, fall and spring. You can choose any attire you want.

10. Glowstone Ring

Who doesn’t love something shinny and glittery? A cool feature of the Stardew Valley APK update is the players getting a Glow Stone ring. You can craft it after completing level 4 in the Mines.

10. Changing Building Colors

Now, you can move buildings in Stardew and also customize the colors. Not only this, but you can also paint the building any colour you want to match the Stardew Valley house design aesthetic to your taste.

11. Lost and Found Box

Stardew Lost and Found is a new addition. Many times players left their tools behind in the excitement of exploring further. There is a lost and found box at the mayor’s house where you can look for items between 8:30 a.m. and 10 p.m. to claim them.

12. Better Game Setting

The update allows you to make the game more challenging and exciting by opting for the community centre remix pack. By taking this pack, there is a guarantee that you will get red cabbage seeds Stardew only in a year of playing. Furthermore, you can adjust the profit margin on crops etc. to get a better deal and more income.

13. Regular Updates

Players should keep an eye out for new updates that add new crops, events, features and festivals to the game. The developers are working hard to keep the players happy and not make the game boring.

  • Immersive farming and life simulation experience
  • Relaxing, visually appealing pixel-art style
  • Endless replay ability with diverse goals and playstyles
  • Engaging character relationships and storylines
  • Seasonal events and activities keep gameplay fresh
  • Expansive modding community for enhanced content
  • Slow-paced gameplay may not appeal to everyone
  • Some mechanics can feel grindy over time
  • Limited guidance for new players, leading to confusion
  • Multiplayer features are less robust compared to single-player
  • Occasional RNG dependence can be frustrating

Undoubtedly, all games have some problems that players might face. The MOD version has them too while many people face issues in the original version of the game. However, to ensure that YOU have an enjoyable gaming experience, we are here to help! In this section, we will pinpoint some common issues and give their solutions.

1. Multiplayer Connectivity

This is the most common issue that players face. They say that the game takes too long to load or doesn’t load in the multiplayer mode.

The reason for this can be an unstable connection. To make sure this does not happen make sure that you have a stable internet connection and are using the most updated version of the game.

Another trick is that you can try to switch the OS on which you are playing. Try restarting the internet device and your game will start working.

2. Game Crash

Sometimes, the game keeps on crashing when you try to launch the APK version. The main reason for this is low memory or if your device does not meet the minimum system requirements.

Try to clear up memory on your phone, use the new and updated APK version and close all other applications that are running in the background.

3. Freezing or Hanging of the Game

The game can hang or freeze while you are playing. Understandably, this is very frustrating and irritating for the player. Mostly, this is a glitch that arises due to errors and bugs in the game.

Try rebooting the device and updating your OS or software. Generally, it seems that older OS results in freezing and lag issues. Additionally, you can try clearing the cache.

4. Major Battery Drain

Players complain that while playing the game, the battery of their device goes down very quickly. A reason for this can be the graphics of the game. However, applications running in the background cause major battery drain.

Try reducing the brightness of your screen and also the graphics. Make it a habit of stopping all the background applications before you launch the game.

Sadly, the complaint of battery drain is mostly seen on iPhones and not on Android.

5. Server Error

Issues can occur when connecting with the server.

You can try connecting again to the server or connecting with a better VPN.

6. Login Issues

Sometimes, players are unable to log in to their account when they are logging in from a new device.

Try using the same Google account when you log in from a new device or use the result email to change your password.

We want you to make the most out of the game. Believe us – the following are some tips and tricks from some of the most seasoned players of the game.

Stardew Valley APK Layout
  • Plan your Day: The game is as real as it gets. Just like in real life, it is best to wake up with a proper schedule for the day. Some tasks should be first on your checklist like watering the crops, completing challenges and quests on time and feeding the animals.
  • Keep an eye on your energy levels: Prioritize yourself in the game. If your energy level is low, don’t continue playing in the game. If your energy gets drained, you can even die. Therefore, take breaks and eat properly.
  • Tools Upgradation: The game has 4 tool quality levels that include basic, copper, steel, gold and iridium. Remember to upgrade your tools in winter as they are the least used. Avoid upgrading tools in spring and summer as they have maximum usage at that time.
  • Check the Calendar: You keep a check on the calendar to be able to participate in all festivals, birthdays and events. You can make friends, earn rewards and win prizes in these events.
  • Farm Upgrades: All your equipment should be updated and placed in a way that promises maximum productivity.

Stardew Valley Tracker APK is a great way to make the game easier and more fun. It helps players manage their daily farming tasks.

Key features include:

  • Making to-do lists for each season.
  • Adding notes for personal reminders.
  • A calendar to track events and activities.

This simple planner helps players stay organized and enjoy the game even more.

Terraria - Stardew Alternative


Terraria is a great choice for fans of Stardew Valley. It features exploration, resource gathering, and exciting combat mechanics.

Farmville - Stardew Alternative


FarmVille is a fun option for fans of Stardew Valley. It focuses on planting crops, raising animals, and customizing your farm.

Harvest Moon - Stardew Alternative

Harvest Moon

Harvest Moon is a classic alternative to Stardew Valley. It offers farming, raising animals, and building relationships.

Animal Crossing - Stardew Alternative

Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing is a perfect pick for those who love immersive gameplay offering activities like fishing, bug catching, and designing island paradise.

Stardew Valley APK is a captivating and interesting role-playing game that allows you to escape from the monotony of life and live life in the lush, green farms.

It fully engages the player with its gameplay, characters and unique quests. Players can even enjoy festivals, and events, make and build relationships and marry the spouse of their choice.

Whether you’re tending to crops, raising animals, or forming relationships with the townspeople, the game provides endless hours of enjoyment. With its charming pixel art, engaging gameplay, and rich storytelling, it’s a must-play for fans of simulation and RPGs.

The game focuses on exploration, self-sufficiency, community building and dynamics. Enjoy the simpler life where growing crops, raising animals and living in a farmhouse was like a dream come true. Stardew Valley provides endless opportunities for people to relax.

Keeping up to pace with the changing world and player’s tastes, the game comes up with upgrades every once in a while. New features and content do not let the player get bored. Whether you are a newbie or a seasoned farmer – the game is not going to disappoint!

Yes, the game can be played in offline mode as it does not need any internet connection. However, to update or purchase things in the game, you need to have an internet connection.

You need to be a host or have proper permission to move houses in Stardew Valley Multiplayer.

Minerals are used to complete collections, earn points, sell for money and donate to the museum. Furthermore, some rare minerals can be used to craft special items.

Fishing requires technique. Players go to a water body, and tap the fishing rod to cast a line. Next, when the fish bites the rod, you can tap the screen lightly multiple times to maintain a steady rhythm.

Yes, but with limited capacity.

Coffee beans are dropped by the Dust Sprites. You can also find them in the travelling cart for 2,500g. They take 10 days to grow.

The player can buy a milk pail and milk the cow to get milk. The milk is used to give as gifts, make cheese or sell it directly.

To unlock Ginger Island, you will need to complete all the tasks of the Community Centre.

When you have done that, you head over the help Willy repair his boat upon receiving his message.

Once the boat is repaired, you pay 1000g to take the boat to Ginger Island.

The Ginger Island farm layout is best for a player who wants to have the freedom to design it.

It has a big, open space with no buildings and a river running through it. They can grow ginger island crops and even design the ginger island bee house layout.

Repairing/fixing a boat on Ginger Island in Stardew Valley requires you to head to Willy’s Fish Shop Backroom.

Here you will be shown a cutscreen to initiate the process.

Next, you will have to get 5 iridium bars, 5 battery packs and 200 hardwoods.

Hardwood can be obtained by cutting stumps, logs, trees or breaking boxes and barrels.

You can get more hardwood fast by visiting the Secret Woods to chop large stumps.

The cheat code for hardwood is the command “/debug item 790 [quantity]” which you enter in the debug mode.

If the player’s heart meter is full, not talking to villagers will slightly reduce friendship levels.

Golden Walnuts are the parrots’ currency on Ginger Island, displayed under the player’s name in the Skills tab and shared in Multiplayer.

Players can find 130 Walnuts through exploration, combat, farming, fishing, mining, and breaking crates in the Volcano Dungeon.

Talking to a villager once per day typically grants you 20 friendship points.